
The first Metaverse game that works on all platforms (Windows, MacOS, iOS, and Android).

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Metaverser doesn’t use pixelated or cartoon avatars. By integrating ReadyPlayerMe, it exceeds in terms of quality and character creations. It also has the ability to use your facial recognition to create your own avatar based on your real life features.


Metaverser's Environment is considered the highest of qualities compared to its competitors.

AAA Games

Unlike other Metaverses that use only Game Maker to create games, Metaverser has also developed AAA Games such as Skate Park, Zombie House, Game Hub, Jet Pack Rider, and M1 Nitro. A new AAA is added once per quarter.

Event Capabilities

Metaverser is the only Metaverse capable of hosting events such as DJ Sets, Concerts and Social Gatherings with over 100+ players participating.

Game Maker

You can use Metaverser's Game Maker inside the game without downloading anything extra.


For NFT Holders: If you own an NFT, you can rent it out to other players and set your own price and duration of rent.

For Non-NFT Holders: If you're new or don’t have enough funds to purchase an NFT, you can rent an NFT at a lower cost to play.

Metaverser is the only Metaverse that has this protocol.

Download Now and Play

Metaverser Apple store download linkApp StoreMetaverer Google Play LiknkGoogle playEpic Games StoreEpic Games Store